quarta-feira, dezembro 19, 2007


One may look upon a star and wish for many things
when I wish I ask the lord for comfort for you to bring.
I have wished to hold you, to kiss your and yes even make love
though you are taken, in my heart you are mine
I teasure the time and the moments that we have shared,
and know  in my heart that you are a friend forever,
and II know that you will always be there.
So now I sit and pounder upon the many dreams
of having you in my arms
and how you have made me feel and taken me with your charms.
One day the stars above will guide me to the place I so desire
to see you, to feel you in all the ways I dream,
I will be there with you and safe within your arms.

2 comentários:

  1. Bonito.. há um equilíbrio entre a poesia e o racional... interessante =D

  2. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.* FELIZ NATAL
    *.*.*.*.*.*.*.* E UM PRÓSPERO
    *.*.*.*.*.*.*.* ANO NOVO

